Most bloggers who join in with The Siblings Project do a little shoot each month. I love to see those photos. But over here, we’re A) not organised enough B) not cooperative enough to sit for photos (I’m looking at you Frankie Mabel!) and C) I actually love looking back through my month of photos and seeing adventures my two sisters have been having. So we’re a little less polished, but I’m loving our memories nonetheless.

This month we’ve been on holiday to Center Parcs. It was their second holiday together, but last time, Frankie was only six months and not quite crawling. So this one was very different, as she was off exploring and chasing Lottie around the forest.

Lottie is definitely getting more confident with her sister and will often give her little cuddles and kisses now. And when Frankie is out with her reins on, Lottie likes to hold onto her, which is so cute.

Frankie is totally hero worshipping Lottie and has started to copy everything her big sister does. There is also a fair bit of bickering over toys as Frankie always wants what Lottie is playing with. And Lottie is getting a bit braver with standing her ground and keeping hold of her things. They wouldn’t be sisters if there wasn’t a bit of pushing and shoving.

The rest of the month has been spent enjoying the sunshine with trips to the park. They also love playing in nanny and grandad’s garden (much bigger than ours so more fun) and chilling out together at home. They love dancing together at the moment. And I quite often catch them watching TV together, almost leaning on each other.


The Siblings Project - Dear Beautiful


  1. May 20, 2018 / 7:41 am

    Aww they look so lovely together. I can’t get mine to look polished either 😉 I do well if they’re all clean. I like to look back too and see their relationship blossom

    • heelsandhooves
      May 21, 2018 / 10:34 pm

      Aaw thank you lovely. They have their moments! Mine are rarely both clean at the same time and getting Frankie to stay still is next to impossible! lol. Glad it’s not just mine xxx