It’s been a full month since I’ve posted on this blog, which is a clear representation of how busy things are here. Frankie and Lottie continue to get closer and closer as sisters and friends and have more and more spats in equal measure.
Despite her being the little sister, Lottie is becoming quite reliant on Frankie. Sometimes if she is anxious about something, she’ll insist on Frankie going first, to reassure her. Luckily Frankie is a confident little girl and she doesn’t usually mind.

I think all SEN parents worry about any neurotypical siblings. I’d hate for Frankie to ever feel it was a burden to look out for Lottie, or that she was held back by her. But at the moment, she cherishes any chance to support Lottie and look after her. While she enjoys it, and it’s on a pretty low level, I’ll just revel in the fact that they are so sweet to each other. Frankie takes any opportunity to take on the ‘mum’ role, often giving Lottie a cuddle, saying ‘What’s a matter, darlin”. Too cute.
The idea that children with special needs or autism have no empathy seems a complete myth in my house. Lottie will always come to tell me if Frankie has fallen over or hurt herself. She’ll also come to get me if her sister is struggling with something, signing for me to help and saying Fafa, Fafa. It’s so cute to see her looking out for her little sister.
Frankie also seems to really motivate Lottie. She is a demon on a scooter, for example, whereas Lottie is a little cautious. But watching Frankie and learning from her, has given her the confidence she needs to get going.

It’s not always a good thing though as she copies all of the bad behaviour too and often gets herself into trouble for following Frankie’s lead. I’m hoping it will be in my favour with things like potty training soon though.
The weather has been all over the place this last month, but these two sisters will go out regardless of the weather. They just love playing together at the park, taking Woody for a walk, scooting… You name it, they’ll be there if it happens outside. We had a visit to Willow’s Farm with a friend over half term, which they absolutely loved.

And whenever Lottie is not at preschool, they are together. They do everything together, which I’m so pleased about. I know it won’t last forever when they go to school, or reach stroppy teenager stage. But for now, I’m cherishing their love for each other.

Aww such lovely photos and I am so glad they get on so well. Lovely 🙂