How any parent works, runs a household and blogs in the summer holidays is quite beyond me. In our house something had to give, and it’s been blogging. I missed my sisters post altogether in July, but to keep the full year’s record here, I’ll just share one photo of them from July before moving on to our busy August.

The summer holidays were a bit of a worry for me. Lottie doesn’t cope particularly well with routines changing. Frankie needs constant entertaining if you want to keep her out of mischief, so six weeks seemed a bit daunting. But I needn’t have worried. These two sisters have become as thick as thieves and have played so nicely together.
At the beginning of August, we went on holiday to Mersea Island. We stayed in a caravan, took Woody with us and spent lots of time swimming, walking, scooting and playing on the beach and the girls absolutely loved it. I think these are some of my favourite photos of them to date…

There are too many photos to share all of them, and so many lovely memories. Lottie properly found her feet with scooting and gained the confidence to jump in the pool on her own. Frankie climbed anything and everything in sight, and thought Woody swimming in the sea was the funniest thing she’d ever seen. She also LOVES a sandcastle building session.

And they adored sleeping in the same room. Every morning, we heard ‘Morning Lottie. Wake UP!’

The rest of the July/August has been spent on play dates with friends, having slow days at home, exploring the amazing knitted enchanted forest by the Yarn Bombers in a local town and surviving that crazy heat wave at the beginning of the holidays.

My overriding memory of this summer will be how happy they have been together. And how exhausting they’ve been too!