Family time

There is nothing I love more than spending time with my loved ones, so my word of the week this week makes me a very happy bunny:


Since Lottie came along, I have loved every minute of our time as a family of three. Having a child has strengthened my bond with Mr M. Loving that little girl together as much as we do has made us tighter, more supportive of each other and has given us a reason to be the best family we can be.

And this week Mr M has been off work, so we have had extra time together as our family. We haven’t done anything out of the ordinary, but we’ve absorbed our precious family time and enjoyed our time with Lottie together. I love watching her bond with her daddy grow and seeing him loving his time with her.

On Tuesday this week, my auntie and uncle visited from Wales and met Lottie for the first time. Mr M and I don’t have a huge extended family and I only have one aunt and uncle on each side. My welsh auntie and uncle are just lovely and due to the distance we don’t see them all that often, so it was so nice to spend some time with them and see them with Lottie.

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True to form though, Lottie slept through most of their visit, waking up half an hour before they left to see my brother and his children. But she did give them some gorgeous smiles when she woke up and some lovely cuddles while she was asleep.

The only close family member still to meet Lottie is Mr M’s dad. He has been rather poorly in hospital recently and sadly, because Lottie is still so small, she wasn’t able to visit. But he is home now and we are heading to Suffolk on Sunday for her to meet her Grandad. Special times and ones to treasure.

The Reading Residence


  1. October 10, 2015 / 7:13 am

    Ah, family is a great word to sum up your week, sounds a lovely one. I hope Grandad enjoys meeting Lottie x Thanks for sharing with #WotW